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ALOES PLUS ORGANIC is an organomineral adjuvant that contains sugar, copper sulfate, manganese sulfate, aloe vera extract, sugarcane yeast, and xanthan gum.

Mode of Application:
Apply via foliar method, preferably in the morning. Avoid application during high temperature periods, strong winds, and low relative humidity.


  • Aloe Vera-Based Sunscreen
  • Releases nutrients at all stages of the plant
  • Greater resistance to high temperatures
  • Increased resistance to water stress
  • Enhanced productivity and fruit quality
  • Promotes synergism between molecules, maximizing the uptake of macro and micronutrients present in the soil, resulting in stronger, more productive plants
  • Affects chlorophyll synthesis and participates in energy metabolism as well as photosynthetic action
  • Regulates the hormonal system through protein synthesis, enhancing the plant's resistance system

Fertilizer Line: Aloe Plus Organic 1 Liter

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